Providing timely and accurate space weather information, nowcasts and forecasts is possible only if sufficient observation data are continuously available.
Because Earth is well protected against space weather by its magnetic field and the atmosphere, only a limited amount of space weather observations are possible from Earth’s surface. For example, our magnetic field deflects most of the solar wind charged particles away from Earth and the atmosphere filters out extreme ultraviolet and X-ray wavelengths from sunlight.
The baseline working approach for the SSA Space Weather Network is to collect as much of the required measurement data using ground-based instruments as possible, because ground-based instruments are usually less expensive and easier to maintain and upgrade than spaceborne instruments on board satellites.
However, to gain all the necessary, accurate, realtime data needed for future space-weather warning services, data from instruments in space are absolutely critical.
Coordination/ Mariana Barrosa Illustration/ David Santos Motion Graphics/ Rui Braz Text/ ESA Music/ Paulo Raimundo Narration/ Heather Tracy Special Thanks / Rosa Jesse, Daniel Scuka