European Space Agency / 2016
Asteroid Impact Mission – VR version

This is the new virtual reality (VR) version of the previously released animation Asteroid Impact Mission, which we produced for the European Space Agency.

It gives the feeling of being in space as the Asteroid Impact Mission unfolds. To view it, you will need a pair of Google Cardboard glasses (or similar), go to this link  on our Youtube channel and follow the instructions on the tutorial below:

AIM VR viewing tutorial (PDF)

Coordination/ Mariana Barrosa, Linda Carrette (EJR-Quartz for ESA) Scientific Consultancy/ Luis Calçada Artistic Direction/ Luis Calçada, Pedro Cruz, Rui Bráz Design/ Pedro Cruz Animation and Motion Graphics/ Rui Brás, Miguel Coutinho Text/ ESA, Linda Carrette (EJR-Quartz) Music/ Paulo Raimundo English Narration/ Peter Baker